The upcoming European Parliamentary elections are a crucial moment to make your voice heard on the important issue of tax justice. Now is the time when election candidates are most attentive to the demands of people like you. By taking action today, you can ask prospective Members of the European Parliament to commit to tackling tax dodging by multinational corporations and rich people.

Our tax systems should be reducing inequalities and addressing the cost of living crisis. Instead, we are losing an estimated US$480 billion* to tax abuse every single year. Let’s Remind candidates that citizens across Europe are outraged by the tax dodging strategies used by many multinational companies and wealthy people to slash their tax bills. Instead, voters want real reform to create a progressive tax system that tackles inequality and funds high-quality public services, climate action and sustainable development.

We urge you to use the form on this page to write directly to candidates running in your constituency. Demand that they pledge to "fight for tax justice as a Member of the European Parliament" by supporting specific measures to make multinational corporations and wealthy individuals pay their share of tax.  

This is your opportunity to get candidates to commit to supporting tax justice before they are elected. Once the votes are cast, it will be much harder to make them prioritise this critical issue. Raise your voice now, while candidates are actively courting your support. Let them know you expect concrete action if they want your vote.

*Tax Justice Network, ‘State of Tax Justice 2023’, July 2023



























You can see which prospective Members of the European Parliament have already committed to supporting tax justice below:

they signed the pledge...